Study Shows iPod A Radio Killer
As Reported in RAIN: The RadIo And Internet Newsletter From MacWorld (UK): “New research suggests the iPod — rather than the Internet, 3G or media fragmentation — will have the. Continue reading
Apple rolls out cheaper iPods
FROM THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER: Apple rolls out cheaper iPods NEW YORK -Apple Computer Inc. on Monday introduced lower-priced versions of its iPod digital music player with longer battery life, positioning. Continue reading
Why Isn’t Any Band Really Using The Techonolgies?
After reading Bob Lefsetz’s piece (posted on hypebot a couple of days ago) on the unusual promotion and distribution model used for the new documentary OUTFOXED I realized how surprised. Continue reading
Recording Industry’s Filesharing Blacklist
FROM THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER.COM: File-sharing outfits cite music-biz ‘blacklist’ WASHINGTON — The recording industry has “blacklisted” Internet file-sharing services and is preventing other companies like RealNetworks Inc. from doing business. Continue reading
Sony, BMG Merger & Cuts – Major Pain Only Stockholders Gain
From The Hollywood Reporter: Sony, BMG reportedly plan to cut 25% of staff LONDON – Sony Music and BMG plan to shed up to 2,000 jobs or about 25% of. Continue reading
Digital Download Auctions?
Ebay adds digital download music sales Online auction giant eBay Inc. will allow some customers to buy and sell digital music files as part of a pilot program that could. Continue reading
“OUTFOXED” And What It Can Teach The Music Industy
The opportunities and empowerments that new technologies can provide musicians and the music industry is a large part of what Hypebot is all about. Commentator/Writer/Radio Host Bob Lefsetz really captures. Continue reading
MTV On Your Laptop…Can This Be A Good Thing?
From Wired News: Toshiba is developing a new laptop model that allows users to watch TV on it without having to boot up the computer’s Windows operating system — the. Continue reading
Dave Mathews Finally Gets With The Program
FROM THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER: Dave Matthews, Napster make online music together The Dave Matthews Band has agreed to make its catalog of music available on Napster, marking the first time. Continue reading