the new music industry

Study Shows iPod A Radio Killer

As Reported in RAIN: The RadIo And Internet Newsletter From MacWorld (UK): “New research suggests the iPod — rather than the Internet, 3G or media fragmentation — will have the. Continue reading

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Apple rolls out cheaper iPods

FROM THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER: Apple rolls out cheaper iPods NEW YORK -Apple Computer Inc. on Monday introduced lower-priced versions of its iPod digital music player with longer battery life, positioning. Continue reading

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Why Isn’t Any Band Really Using The Techonolgies?

After reading Bob Lefsetz’s piece (posted on hypebot a couple of days ago) on the unusual promotion and distribution model used for the new documentary OUTFOXED I realized how surprised. Continue reading

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Recording Industry’s Filesharing Blacklist

FROM THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER.COM: File-sharing outfits cite music-biz ‘blacklist’ WASHINGTON — The recording industry has “blacklisted” Internet file-sharing services and is preventing other companies like RealNetworks Inc. from doing business. Continue reading

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Sony, BMG Merger & Cuts – Major Pain Only Stockholders Gain

From The Hollywood Reporter: Sony, BMG reportedly plan to cut 25% of staff LONDON – Sony Music and BMG plan to shed up to 2,000 jobs or about 25% of. Continue reading

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Digital Download Auctions?

Ebay adds digital download music sales Online auction giant eBay Inc. will allow some customers to buy and sell digital music files as part of a pilot program that could. Continue reading

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“OUTFOXED” And What It Can Teach The Music Industy

The opportunities and empowerments that new technologies can provide musicians and the music industry is a large part of what Hypebot is all about. Commentator/Writer/Radio Host Bob Lefsetz really captures. Continue reading

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MTV On Your Laptop…Can This Be A Good Thing?

From Wired News: Toshiba is developing a new laptop model that allows users to watch TV on it without having to boot up the computer’s Windows operating system — the. Continue reading

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Dave Mathews Finally Gets With The Program

FROM THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER: Dave Matthews, Napster make online music together The Dave Matthews Band has agreed to make its catalog of music available on Napster, marking the first time. Continue reading

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AlwaysOn Events: AO2004 Web Cast

LIVE WEBCAST OF THE ALWAYS ON INNOVATION SUMMIT AlwaysOn * Events: AO2004 Web Cast Tell Us What You Think.

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